The Angels
Stay Healthy this Christmas
There's no need to sacrifice your health for Christmas Cheer
Get the support you need to stay Healthy and Happy all through the Holidays

You resolve to stay strong. You know you want eat healthily.
You will resist the temptations. Just take small portions. One or two drinks only.
You don't want the hangovers and the lethargy. You don't want to want more crisps and wine. And you certainly don't want to spend January trying to lose the extra pounds that just crept on while you were watching the TV.
.But the truth is we get caught up in the moment and we forget our good intentions. Why? It's not because you forgot how to eat healthily. It's because you're busy, you're focused on others rather than yourself, you're out of routine, and there are so many tasty morsels to tempt you.
What you need is a plan, resources and support to enjoy the celebrations without regrets.
Luckily I have it all here, wrapped up with a pretty Christmas bow....

Here's what you get when you enrol today

Daily Motivation
Keeping healthy will require focus. That's why you'll receive my monthly calendar filled with activities to keep you motivated and focused.

Live Trainings
Two live trainings to help you navigate food choices, difficult people, and other obstacles you may encounter during the holidays

Supportive Community
You'll be surrounded by vibrant, supportive and like-minded people who want to enjoy healthier holidays along with you.

Weekly Q&A Sessions
Each week you'll have LIVE access to me so you'll never have unanswered questions or feel alone over the festive season.

Journalling Exercises
These simple journal questions will keep you focused on your goals in six important aspects of your life.

Challenges & Prizes
Throughout the season I'll be offering prizes to you lucky people when you take part in the challenges. Hooray!

Hey there!
I'm Michèle Duke and I'll be your host for Happy Health Holidays.
I'll certainly be having a glass or two so don't expect any lectures from me!
As a qualified nutritionist and coach I've got lots of resources to share and oodles of support to offer.
Join me as we negotiate the tricky path between our own goals and the pressures - and joys - Christmas and the holidays can bring.
Let's aim to start the New Year healthy and happy rather than filled with turkey and remorse! And let's have plenty of fun along the way!
Get instant access to all this and more....!
When you enrol today you'll get a jumpstart with my 30-Day Holiday Survival Guide which contains everything you'll need to not only survive, but to thrive this Christmas.
Watch out for special bonuses too!
And because it's all online you'll have access anytime and anywhere via your computer, table or phone.

How do you want to feel on January 1st?
Christmas and New Year can be tough on the body.
But what if you could wake up on January 1st feeling proud of how you enjoyed the festive season.
I want you to succeed and have the healthiest and happiest season (with plenty of seasonal treats of course!)
I will be by your side - and doing this along with you - as we focus on these key concepts each week.

Enjoy your holiday traditions in moderation. Don't be too hard on yourself. Our goal is simply to keep most of your meals healthy (with the help of some great recipes and tips) while allowing for some special indulgences. Nobody's perfect!

Resolve to get at least 30 minutes of good healthy exercise three times a week. Sneaking in short 15 minute sessions will reduce the stress and make you feel better throughout the holiday season. Bonus - more exercise means more treats!

During busy times it's easy to lose track of our blessings. By focusing on gratitude daily you will be able to have a healthier outlook. There is always a smile to be had when we take a minute every day to be grateful.

It is in giving that we receive! Each of us can give without cost. Giving does not have to be an expensive gift. Sometimes just smiling and holding the door open for a busy shopper can make her day. We will pay it forward together!

We spend too much time 'doing' and not enough time 'being'. We miss out on enjoying the now. Each week a new mindfulness concept will be introduced to help you slow down and enjoy the magic of the season.

Often a simple perspective shift can drastically change our outlook. I'll teach you some scientifically proven methods which help forma bridge between your awareness and your actions. Don't worry. It won't hurt a bit!