Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching

"As a Nutrition & lifestyle Coach I play a positive supportive role in helping individuals make healthier nutrition and lifestyle choices with the aim of preventing or reducing the negative health effects of our modern lifestyles and in helping increase wellness and longevity."
How does NLC work?
NLC is very different from other healthcare practitioners because it incorporates coaching into the process.
I have three key roles which blend together to offer you the planning, education and support you need to achieve your goals.
As an Expert I can....
Bring a framework and structure to the consultation process which allows us to progress steadily towards your goals
Break down a goal into 'areas of focus' and action steps that result in an achievable plan
Use the information you give me produce individualized analysis and meal plans
Use proven nutrition and lifestyle interventions to assist you in achieving your goal
Provide you with ongoing feedback and advice
Collaborate with other healthcare professionals and help you obtain other healthcare support when necessary
As an Educator I can...
Support you with education tools such as information sheets, fact sheets, meal ideas, recipes, etc
Provide you with timely and appropriate information during consultations
Demonstrate how you can become your own health coach by understanding food labelling, how food works with your body, shopping trips, cookery demos etc.
Continue my personal development to ensure I have the latest data and research out
Professionally present to individuals, groups, and peers in the field of wellness
As an Ally I will...
Help you set realistic goals and clearly define what success means for you.
Work with you to plan your pathway and assess your readiness levels
Never judge you or pressurise you
Believe in you, encourage you and support you
Look at what tools you already have and what you might need
Help you negotiate obstacles and keep you going when things get tough
Celebrate your successes, both large and small,

Is NLC suitable for you?

Coaching is always about looking forward - from where you are today to where you want to be in the future.
As your coach, my role is to listen to you, help you build your plan, encourage you, and help you stay on track. Your goals are always what guide us. Your journey is the one we take together. Unlike Life Coaching, Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching does offer advice and recommendations.
My focus is on your strengths and how you can use your own resources to achieve your aims. It offers you a safe place to explore what might be holding you back in an environment of compassion and care. The discussion between the coach and client is open, honest, and supportive. Most importantly, it is never judgemental or critical.
Here are some of the reasons people choose to work with an NLC. Please contact me if you would like to find out if it is appropriate for you.
You want to embed healthier eating and lifestyle choices in your life
You need help knowing what to buy, where to shop, how to prepare and store your food and how to stay within your budget
You want help planning your meals and your long-term eating to ensure you are meeting your particular dietary requirements e.g. vegan, vegetarian, dairy-free etc, also during pregnancy, breast-feeding, illness, treatment and recovery.
You have been diagnosed with an illness or condition and recommended to focus on healthy nutrition or to change your lifestyle
You would like to improve your overall wellness and longevity
•You want to nutrition explained to you and the conflicting advice demystified
•You want to increase or decrease your weight / size
•You would like to improve the quality and quantity of sleep
•You would like to master stress
•You would like to improve your energy levels

Coaching is effective for people managing a variety of health conditions. No wonder some doctors’ offices are offering it, some insurance companies are paying for it, and private companies are even starting to offer coaching to their employees in order to lower their healthcare costs.
What I do not do
As a healthcare professional I work within the boundaries of my qualifications and experience to keep you, and myself, safe.
I want to have the best outcome and this may be with me or it may require a referral to or collaboration with another professional.
Here is a list of common issues which fall outside of my remit.
I do not carry out symptom analysis, this is the role of a GP or similar healthcare professional.
I am not qualified to diagnose or treat any named conditions: I can help clients presenting with some chronic conditions by improving the functioning of the client's body as a whole through nutrition, lifestyle and supplement interventions. However, the aim is not to treat the client's condition directly.
As an example: I do not treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) but I can support the client’s body as a whole through dietary analysis and meal planning to improve nutrient levels and balance while also using lifestyle interventions such as movement, sleep and stress management.
A client who has been diagnosed with a condition where making long-term dietary or lifestyle changes may offer some improvements of better quality of life may be accepted as an NLC client on the understanding that the NLC is not treating the condition, but is assisting the client make the changes recommended by the doctor or other medical expert e.g.
High Cholesterol
High Blood Pressure
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
I do not work with clients who follow specific diets through their own choice or directed to by another professional e.g. FODMAPS, Atkins Diet, Ketogenic Diet, rapid weight loss diets etc as these types of diets would require a referral toa Nutritional Therapist or dietician
I am not qualified to work with clients who are morbidly obese (BMI over 35)
This is not an exhaustive list. You can read more here
I will be happy to refer you to an alternative healthcare practitioner.

Qualifications & Accreditation

I have a Level 4 regulated Diploma in Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching from Institute of Health Sciences in Dublin. This is a specialist diploma regulated by OFQUAL. You can review the course content here.
I am a member of UK & International Health Coaching Association. This is the professional body regulating Health and Nutrition coaches. To maintain this membership I must demonstrate continual personal development and a minimum number of hours coaching. You can see my listing here
I am a member of the International Coaching Federation, having completed ICF accredited Diploma in Coaching (Coaching Development, London), and am a trained and experienced NLP Practitioner (ITS).